President of the Republic of Tajikistan

The speech on the occasion of Independence day of Tajikistan

08.09.2004 14:00, Dushanbe city

Dear compatriots!
Ladies and Gentlemen!

Thirteen years ago our nation has reached the greatest historical achievement that is, gained the state independence that all the people of our country are on the eve of its celebration now. In spite of all existing difficulties this great and holy nation event is getting more mean and specific character within the years presenting more valuable role in political and social-economic life of the country.

To this fact, with my great honour I would like to congratulate all the people of Tajikistan as well as presenting, on the occasion of thirteenths anniversary of state independence and sovereignty of our dear motherland.

In every epoch and period liberty and independence was invaluable and primary wealth of humanity, as well as a bright symbol of historical personality of the nation, principal guaranty of progress, self-knowledge and historical survival of the nation and state.

Besides, independence is the indicator of historical ideal and the hopes, international recognition and stable base for real worthy existence of the nation.

In order to understand historical values and to find the ways of its enrichment we review consistently the various aspects of this God’s gift.

Because, Tajikistan’s independence is a great victory of our nation not only in the last century, but it will stay still in the gold pages of the history for long centuries further on.

Human experience proves that liberty (freedom) and independence would not be gained easily. We know a lot of nations and the peoples, who in not so far past passed through several ten years for achievement of independence, even lost thousands of lives in this way.

Today we are the witness of the efforts of majority nations with millions population, who are strive to reach a liberty and sovereignty, but they are devoid of simple national rights and rights for cultural originality.

That’s why they acknowledge the independence as the only protector of their national identity and historical values.

Principally, our independence was gained easily. In the results of internal and world historical deep processes in the 80s years of XXth century the structural crisis of political and social system of the Soviet Union became a clear and had reached its high top in perestroika period.

It must be underlined, that in the early years of 90s one of the primary factor of breakage of political and statehood system of the Soviet Union was more high progress of self-knowledge and self recognition process of the people, which it was going on the different levels in the various regions and had an important character.

This process was originally global and became as the principal factor of the great change events in the last decade of XXth century.

If we will circumstantial and comprehensively review the process of our independence formation, so we will see over that the way for independence is very long, hard and full of struggles and confrontation processes. But our nation evermore (always) had the factors of gradual (self-consistent) revival of the independence: self-knowledge, sustainable identity and practically unbreakable history, the rules of more than three thousands years of statehood, great and creatable values of society, history and culture, that all of them are real base for active and historical life of our nation.

In contempt of the words and gripping motives of some peoples and for attention of separate group of clerisy Tajiks in all the periods of social life-being were the brave people and glowing patriot, who hardly strive for motherland (country) and liberty.

Due to the pages of the history, Tajiks were faced into the fights with the forceful groups of their periods, but only because of their courage and gallantry they could broke the forces of the enemies.

War history and avenge of the enemy testify that the whole city and all village peoples fought against the common enemy. Impressive fact of these events was an active part of girls and women. They had chosen worthily death without defeat instead of poor life and dependence.

The Great Rebellion is well known in the history of our nation, which several thousands of peoples made liberal and hard gest during a lot of years under the holy motive of “deserving life or death”.

This patriotic and liberalistic confrontation was continued in future in more hard historic conditions.

We should state one important point (issue): that the spirit of struggle and liberty has a special character and mean in the social and historical behavior of our nation. This force has a great and high ideal, that it’s a protection of freedom (liberty) and independence of our country. It is covered by the valuable and principal human qualities, as well as glory, dignity and desert, benefaction, bravery and national deserve. And in the last, it is interacted with the mind and knowledge, accuracy choice, wide and creative over-view.

In this connection, well-known people of our nation as well as Rustami Doston, Sukhrob, brave Siyovush and Great Kourus, Great Dorou, Spitamen, Oksiart, Great Kanishko, Khusrav Anushervon, Tohir ibn Husain, Abdullohi Tohir, Ya’kub Lais, Mukanna’, Temurmalik and especially Ismoil Somoni were the great classic characters of reasonable peaceful and unbreakable will of independence. Thanks to their efforts our statehood has got historically forceful and cultural formation.

In this connection I have to note important fact, that our social scientists and historians paid it not so serious attention.

With all the sense of self-protection and national identity our nation created its social culture of good neighborhood, cooperation, self-interaction and mutual creative relations and thanks to this result Central Asian people began to live in wider social cooperation and good neighborhood atmosphere (condition) finding the ties of relative and partners with each other.

Today, also we can use the positive and creative aspects of this historical experience for the sake of peace, stability and mutual benefit regional cooperation.

Valuable historic experience of struggle for liberty and independence in XXth century had vital importance in the fate of Tajik nation in a very difficult period. As the history proves, because of the factors at the end of XIXth and at the beginning of XXth century Tajik nation was in the very sensitive and harm period of own history. Even its historical values were in the danger.

Definite groups and circles ideological and politically had denied not only the values and historical being of Tajiks, but in interaction and close assist of our nations’ enemies had trying to forget and remove our nation from the pages of history.

In such too difficult period Sadriddin Ayni became as the famous person of national history. Hard struggle, cultural, reasonable, ideological, and literate and his social politic activity actually was the principal role in provision of country’s independence in the future.

Certainly, Sadriddin Ayni became the first hero of independent Tajikistan.

Abulkosim Lohuti and other group of patriot peoples have a great contribution in important work of right provision and historical interest of Tajiks. It should be specially emphasized that despite of existence of difficulties and a lot impediments a little group of political officials established, which hardly strives for the right protection of interests of all Tajiks and Tajikistan: most famous representatives of this group were Shirinshoh Shohtemur and Nusratullo Makhsum.

Sequent patriotic strive of all of them further had actively assisted in formation of Soviet Autonomous Republic of Tajikistan and Soviet Socialist Republic Tajikistan, which they were an important event in our nation’s history.

Complicated and hard processes of 30s and 40s years of XXth century have importantly influenced into our nation’s fate. These events became as the cause of peoples death, especially majority of intellectual groups of the peoples became as the refugees and other serious cultural and national traditions.
In another side, the establishment of different structures, as well as economic, social and cultural structures will definitely increase the level of social self-knowledge that this process will seriously affect in historical and national identity of the peoples.

This demand of history was deeply recognized and purposefully realized by the great famous Tajik son Bobojon Gafurov. In the post of the first leader of Tajikistan he made a purposeful and successive contribution for the strengthening of economic, social and cultural spheres of the country.

In particular the establishment of State University and Academy of sciences of Tajikistan are his great historical contribution. His greater service is writing of first national history of Tajiks and especially his main historical book “Tajiks”.

His heritage has practically established tradition of modern Tajik people, that aimed to truthful recognition of destiny of the people on the basis of first and origin sources and usage means of scientific and academic researches with scientific consciences and behavior.

This tradition proves that we Tajiks do not have any needs for rewriting of the history, haughtiness and other none - and antiscientific. We have such captivate history, that its relative recognition would be clear memorial of our nation.

I have underlined this fact because today has appeared so-called historical heritage, which does not correspond to this great heritage and even it is against reality and scientific behavior.

At the same time it should be taken into account that in the 60-70-s of the 20-century there was not so serious and necessary strive for national unity.

Naturally, ruling power had its own restrictions. However, as the historical experience demonstrates in some Republics of the former Soviet Union strengthening of industrial, economic and technological powers was possible in the framework of time and continuing efforts.

At the same time, provision of equal development of region and districts of the country, communication links between regions throw all seasons, revival of national traditions, art and culture, education of political elite and national management and other important and necessary historical steps full opportunity to supply independent force and could assist for the prevent of political crisis.

This truth became clear in the period of connecting historical reforms and reorganizations.

Particularly, historical creation and unification of all active society forces and all people for the achievement of the main sacred and national aim – independence of Tajikistan was created in this period. In the stage of the endeavor for the getting of state importance of Tajik language, was achieved the national agreement and its an important factor of the historical language law.

It should be notified that weakening of national political agreement and slowly strengthening of contradictions and political counteractions in the stage of independence was a serious negative occurrence.

New appearances political forces in their practical activity allowed increasing, politicization of societies’ problems, radicalism and destructive political activity, and did not make necessary endeavor for getting of general national political agreement. In consequence of this emotional and stateless period in the country was not created practical politic unity.

On September 9, 1991 by the adoption of series of political and legislative documents, first of all, decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Tajikistan “About the state independence of Tajikistan” officially was declared political and state independence of our native country.

It was very great event in the difficult history of our people, because after hundred years free and national independent state was declared.

The exact demand of that period was creation and establishment of national state and ensuring of intact independence. Practical union of all political and active groups of society and all the people for achievement of this higher and sacred target was the important matter.

But unfortunately, however these huge historical opportunities were not realized at a required level. In my opinion, two base reasons conditioned this negative reality of our destiny: the first, not realization of the vantages of high national interests, first of all the independence of motherland due to requirements. As well as government and political opposition and some other social-political powers could not deeply recognize, that independence is a high target in comparisons with political collective and personal aims and interests and it is a holy value for all the people.

And the second, not take into consideration a real and actual content of very complicated regional and interregional processes, especially aims and intentions of definite circles of some foreign countries regarding to Tajikistan.

Common results of mentioned interests became a tragedy of national self-termination, which covered by heartrending consequences for country. It should be noted that fratricidal war in Tajikistan created danger of death for independence of country. Documents and other pervious materials testify that definite groups of some of the states had the plans to carry our nation alien ideology as well as elaborated plans of partition of our dear homeland, even in cooperation with some persons aspiring to authority and traitors have begun its realization.

The continuation of the war in Tajikistan assisted to these self-interested aims. Even if these plans would not be realized, continuation of the fratricidal war would be made a difficult crisis situation more complicated and with the influence of third part the transmutation of the country to the stage of activity extremists, terrorists and criminal groups conjunct with contraband of the drug traffic and some other negative appearance would be make unmeaning the great mean of independence.

That is, real recognition of those dangers of death gave patriotic and responsible forces to country for resolve and put the end the war and provide national accord, solidarity and independence.

The first great and historic step in this way was made in historical 16 th Session of Supreme Council of the Republic Tajikistan in ancient city of Khujand that was beginning of national rescue of independence of homeland.

Danger of disintegration of the country, disappearance of Tajik nation at the same time was highly realized by the people of the country, former oppositionists and majority of political forces, who opened the way to the political accord and nation unity. Consequently it became important factor of conservation and strengthening of independence. That’s why political accord and national unity is vital and holy task. Protection and its further strengthening is the obligation of every citizen of the country.

Life approved accuracy choice of this way. Thanks to peace and stability we could restore affected bodies and structure of governmental authority, during the short time evict more than million people to their homeland, such examples are unique in the history, and to break to elimination of destructive consequences of the war. In the scale of CIS as the second country after Russian Federation through nation wide referendum we have adopted the Constitution, national arms symbolic and hymn, elected the Parliament, organized activity of law enforcement bodies and created national army and border guard forces. The further positive step by step and creative results of peace and calmness are accelerated economic growth dynamic, step-by-step improvement of standard of living, establishment and strengthening of social and cultural institutions and other positive phenomenon of our life.

The most important is that security, stability and spirit of believe in a good future has been provided in our dear country, pride of calm and flourish homeland that has deserved position in international community. Historical mission as well as creation and strengthening of Tajikistan independence entrusted to young generation. Today, successful completion of this mission is primary task of every people.

The successful national strategy and historical responsibility for our motherland and for the future generation directs us on better epoch of historical formation of independent Tajikistan – the epoch of creation of structures and institutes of modern society. Development of constructive democracy with the hopes and interests of a nation and also epoch of the basic currents of formation of world community, which it is undoubtedly long term, responsible and preventive task.

The realization of this great and historical long-term purpose has coincided with very complex and sensitive historical time.

The real and objective comprehension of the basic contents of key processes and currents of time is very difficult. But, as these processes and currents directly influence on today history and our future, it’s consideration and the understanding is an urgent and main task.

The new epoch of state building and governance of our nation has brought us the meaning of independence and national governance, as well as the way of development relations, changing of social relations, usage and implementation of new social economic interactions.

The respect of human rights and freedom (liberty), provision of security for citizens, the consideration of the way of living, national traditions, the level of education and political culture of the people brought us to the modernization of the governmental structures and protection of the basics of independence. Taking into consideration all these national factors we have chose the democratic, secular and legal society for making equal possibilities for all existing political powers for their development, freedom of speech, the activity within the frameworks of constitution and other laws of the country and development of the culture in nations, as well as improving the reputation of our new independent state in world community.

Achievements in our state independence prompted us to form the national economy, new bodies for elaboration and realization of the laws, which foster the development of the trade relations.

Therefore, to satisfy the needs of our economy in material and financial means we conducted with great efforts appropriate reforms.

For better management of national economy of independent Tajikistan, a new governmental structure has been formed.

The laws and other legal documents were adopted, which regulated all fields of trade economic relations and economic reforms in all spheres of the economy.

It should be noted, that the adoption decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on the distribution of 75 thousand hectares of land for population was very important and timely step in providing the population by agricultural products and protect the nation from famine (dearth) .

In the past years we made some steps such as implementation of new different types of property, establishment of forms of facilities, realization of the program for privatization of state property, introduction of national currency, liberalization of the prices, establishment of joint venture companies, introduction of free foreign trade and we paid great attention for social programs. All these steps have been made for development of the economy of Tajikistan and strengthening the pillars of the governance and independence.

In mid of 1990swith the aim of better economic reforms the priority have been given to strengthening of direct cooperation with other states and financial institutions.

The realization of mentioned reforms since 1997 lead to the growth of the main economic indicators, firstly GDP.

In 1997-1999 the annual growth from 1.7-5.3 raised to 8.3-10.2 in 2000-2003. There is a tendency of increasing of the production of goods is observed in recent years.

As the poverty is one of the world scaled problem and it is a result of the long social and economic crisis in our country, therefore we started the implementation of the Strategy for the reduction of the poverty, which began in 2002. According to the nationwide study of the World Bank the level of the poverty in Tajikistan reduced from 83 percent in 1999 to 68 percent in 2003.

The progress of market economy system, as well as integration of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan in world economy is the only way chosen by our nation to achieve the complete development and to achieve this task we should take great necessary efforts.

Today, the Government of Tajikistan takes necessary arrangements in all directions of economic reforms for development of trade relations.

In near future our task is to accelerate the reforms in various sectors of the economy and to provide favorable conditions for development of trade relations and to form trade infrastructure for successful and mutual benefit both for producers and consumer, fair division of the social benefits on the basis of solution of social problems.

In the future special attention will be paid to strict budget, taxation, finance, credit policy, privatization of enterprises, development of entrepreneurship, structural reforms, transparency of activity of government bodies for nation and development al components of market infrastructure.

The Government of Tajikistan has granted for direct attraction of the domestic investments either foreign one favorable legal and law conditions and to taking necessary steps for further development of financial mechanism of organizing and elimination of barriers.

Taking into account the fact, that population of our country is increasing relatively faster, and due to predictions the population will reach 7 million, the question of utilization of the lands and its productive usage today is very important. Therefore it is necessary every year to master additionally thousands hectares of not in use lands.

One of the important directions of development of economy is a proceeding of the domestic raw materials to a final product and on this basis to increase export potential of the economy and creation of new workplaces. It is necessary for Government of Tajikistan as soon as possible to take into attention processing of domestic raw materials to final products, and to elaborate and realize a program of development of light industry.

For taking advantages of foreign economic policy, decision of the problems of getting out from communication isolation and in possession modern transport roads of Tajikistan has great importance.

The idea of automobile road communication between all districts of the country, between Tajikistan and its neighboring countries, as well as connection with the main automobile roads of the world during all seasons of the year now is being implemented.

Therefore, in our country construction of several internal automobile roads and railways, such as automobile tunnels of Anzob and Sharshar are taking place. The Anzob tunnel will start operating in 2006, and in future with attraction of foreign investment we will plan the reconstruction of Dushanbe-Khujand automobile road.

The international highway in the route of Dushanbe– Kulob–Khorogh–Kulma–Karakorum will fully come into use in 2005, which will provide goods and passenger transportation through all seasons of the year. The operation of this road will become one of the great achievements in the history of independence.

The first shift of reconstruction of the Dushanbe–Nurobod–Rasht– Saritosh–Osh automobile road, which connects our country with Kyrghyzstan, Kazakhstan and Russian Federation will be started soon. This way is short and economically will very useful.

This year in Darvaz district a bridge between Tajikistan and Afghanistan was built, and we will start construction of bridges in Nizhniy Pyandzh and Ishkashim which allow us to access Middle East and other world ports via Afghanistan. In near future, construction of two other bridges on Panj River in Farkhar and Shurobod districts are planned.

All these initiatives will foster the implementation of the plan for extrication Tajikistan from communicational deadlock, and push economic, social and cultural development of the country.

Sustainable course of economic reforms and development of all spheres of economy is closely connected with the development of energy potential of the country.

In the sphere of hydro-energy reserves Tajikistan occupies one of the first places in the world, the total reserve potential of which comprises 527 billion kilowatt/hour in a year.

In the post-independence period, in mountainous districts of the country more than 20 small hydroelectric power stations were built and nowadays construction of hydroelectric power stations of Pamir-1, Sangtuda and 12 other small hydro power stations is in progress. In order to achieve energy independence, to irrigate the lands which are not in use and more effective food supply to population the Government of Tajikistan in addition to construction of unfinished power stations, considers attracting foreign investment for building hydro power stations in Pyandj river of Dashtijum and on Zarafshon River.

Our independent state is taking necessary steps to become a full member of international economic relations. Nowadays, we are preparing all required documentation for entering World Trade Organization. One of the principal directions of the country’s policy in the years of independence is to pay more attention to social life of the nation. Therefore we are increasing the volume of our budget for assist of this sphere.

There is 45 percent of the budgets of Tajikistan will be allocated to social sphere this year, and will be kept the increase of this indicator in a future. In the results, there are 1 billion and 160 million somoni, as well as 650 million somoni had allocated to the spheres of social, healthcare and education.

In addition to budget financial means there are 150 million somoni was spent within the plans and framework of investment projects.

Along with the development of national economy, the Government of Tajikistan will pay special attention to the development of social spheres. In this regard, we are taking necessary measures to increase salary of employees in education, health, science and culture sectors, as well as student scholarships, pensions and financial assistance to poor families.

In general, state independence of Tajikistan, on the one hand, gives great possibilities; on the other hand it makes our people responsible for economic development of the country. Peace and stability in the country, as well as our honest and hardworking people inspire us to bright future. There is no doubt that we are able to fulfill these strategic tasks and turn our motherland into a developed and advanced country.

Dear friends!

Thanks to independence, our dear Tajikistan as a equal member of world community became the member of many international and regional organizations.
It should be mentioned that stability and strength of independence depends on comprehensive and well-founded policy with necessary mechanisms to foster better regional and international relations.

Considering the real meaning of present reality in the world and for successful realization of our national interests, we implement mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries and subjects of international relations.

Certainly, in accordance with concrete geo-strategic situation and geopolitical position each state determines its own strategic tasks on regional and international relations.

These tasks were determined in details in the Address of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Majlisi Oli. Aims, permanent and strategic directions of our foreign policy are expressed in the Concepts of Foreign Policy of the country.

Realization of our aims and task on foreign policy is taking place in a very complicated world situation, especially in time of globalization. It is worth mentioning that globalization is a natural and objective phenomenon and it has very complicated and antagonistic nature.

On the one hand, globalization will foster the development of close cooperation and relations between nations and countries, and gives access to new scientific, technical and social achievements, provides better coordination of activities in the world and has other important and positive phenomena.

But, on the other hand, under the influence of globalization the gap between advanced and underdeveloped countries became wider; pressure on national structures and interests intensifies; the activity of terrorist and extremist networks, as well as transnational crimes became globalize; the possibility of crash of civilizations is becoming real.

In such situation, stability, peaceful situation and provision of state’s security, protection of the peoples from the threats of terrorism and extremism must be highly estimated.

Especially it must be primary task for Tajikistan, which had a fratricidal war.

We have to strive and use the positive achievements of globalization for the interests of our Motherland.

Deep comprehension of national interests and complicated world issues prompt us to take active part in solution of vital and global problems. It is very fortunate that our international initiatives have found full support in international community.

You are well aware that last year in December the initiative taken by Tajikistan to announce the years 2005-2015 as the decade of action for “Water for Life” has been supported by 140 countries of the world. By this step, we draw the attention of the world community to this crucial and multifaceted global problem. We are proud of the fact, that this initiative of Tajikistan was included into the rows of more twenty proposals and supported by United Nations.

I am sure that with the use of all potential and possibilities of states and international organizations during this decade the problem of fresh water would be solved, otherwise it will bring very dangerous consequences. As for now, the annual death rate of the population because of shortage and non-access to fresh water exceeds the death rate in result of armed confrontations, which would be very unfortunate for the civilization of the third millennium.

In the recent report issued by UNICEF and World Health Organization it is mentioned that today because of shortage of fresh water more than 40 per cent of population in the world live in unsatisfied sanitarian conditions and more than 1 billion population have no access to fresh water.

The report also says, that the children are most vulnerable to shortage of Fresh water and there are 4 thousand children die every day from decease related to water shortage.

We consider our active participation in common fight against global threats like terrorism, extremism, Illegal drugs and weapon traffic and transnational crime – as the priority of our international policy. Particularly, drugs traffic is a threat not only for Central Asia and us, but also for Europe, America and for the entire world.

Therefore creation of the global coalition on fight against narcotics is a task, which should not be postponed, and in order to implement this our proposal we will strive continuously.

We had frequently mentioned: Tajikistan as the country that was under the harm of international terrorism, we are fully against of all the forms of terrorism, extremism and violence.

All the developed countries and in common the whole world community have to join the efforts for destruction of terrorism and extremism factors in the world.

But as it is remark, the policy of “double standard” is still going on. For example, it is very impressive that, the leading bodies of some extremist groups are functioning in developed European countries.

Another, it is not appropriate to accuse the holy religion of Islam for all antihuman acts. It should not be forgotten that Islam is a peaceful and irenic religion. Extremist and terrorist groups use Islam religion just as the flag or mask for their antihuman aims, and actually it will become the cause for impurity of the names of Muslims.

The children and women will die because of their antihuman acts. Few days ago the last events of Russian Federation with a lot of victims astound the world. In the results of harm acts of terrorist forces all Muslim people are under the pressure in a lot of countries of the world.

Tajikistan as a peaceful country and the creator of a unique model of reconciliation and peacemaking will further contribute to strengthen peace all over the world.

UNESCO’s decision to award the capital of our country Dushanbe with the first prize in the Asia and Pacific called <City of peace> is a great honor for all of us and in the same time strengthens our endeavors in this path.

Dear compatriots!

The Independent Tajikistan, as it was mentioned, situated in a crossroad of conflicts of interests of Super powers and political and ideological regimes.

Considering the situation in the region and conflicts around, it is necessary for Tajik people, Members of parliament and politicians, representatives of political parties and movements, mass media and especially youth to keep their civic culture, knowledge and political keenness and should not be trapped by pessimistic, extremist fundamentalist, separatist, aggressive ideas and dangerous ideologies of external forces.

In this regard, we have to pay a great attention to educate young generation with ideas of national pride and patriotism.

Generally, education of specialist for various fields of national economy with modern requirements is one the important and future oriented tasks of all governmental structures and considerate approach to this issue is the tasks of all society.

Creation of democratic, legal based and secular society with consideration of national traditions of statesmanship, social, cultural and moral values is the path which was chosen by Tajik people after a bitter experience of civil war and we will go ahead in this direction.

Securing the rights and freedoms of all citizens of our country, peaceful life and work, freedom of activity of all parties and movements, and public organizations, participation of broad circles of population in political, economic and social life are the main objectives of democracy in our country.

With the view of changes and challenges of new century, the important direction of our activity in this stage is ensuring the strengthening of national independent state.

Successful implementation of above-mentioned missions will be achieved through continuous improvement of political system and governance based on national benefit and according to accepted democratic criteria, strengthening of right protect and law enforcement bodies, rule of law and independent courts, development of political culture.

Improvement of political order should facilitate elimination of corruption, bureaucracy and other negative trends, which were mainly the result of the political crisis and complicated post conflict period.

We consider ensuring the will of people, real participation of people in the political process as a strengthening of political order. In this regard, development and strengthening of social and civil institutions, independence and creativeness are of the necessary issues.

There are political parties, a lot of socio-political and socio-cultural organizations functioning in our country. This is a requirement of democratic society. We wish to see them as an active and constructive part of society, which fully realize their historical responsibilities and observance of law.

We will continue to pursue the policy of market economy and follow the path towards development of advanced and strong national economy. We will implement the social policy with humanitarian sense in order to contribute provision of social justice and development of democratic values.

Tajikistan is a country with hardworking people, who possess ancient civilization, rich cultural heritage, powerful intellectual strength and great natural resources.

Thanks to independence we have achieved significant political and cultural results, but more than before we need today cohesion, national unity, political awareness, self-awareness, and the sense of patriotism.

It is because one of the main pillars of national statehood and national awareness is patriotism, which makes us to understand all kind of discrepancies and differences. That’s why the noble sense of patriotism and peace in ancient times considered as one of the pillars of faith.

Being proud of the Motherland, proud of nation, proud of history and cultural heritage it is necessary to respect international values, prosperity of other people and nations and attainments of modern science and technology.

The ideas of patriotism, self-awareness, national awareness, respect of traditions and customs of national culture altogether is the constituent part of our policy towards ensuring national security and national statehood.

Today the process of independence and national awareness requires that we should not only be proud of our past, but to look in to the future of our country, to foreseen and plan the future goals.

We are confident that the third millennium will become for us a century of strengthening of state independence, development of national statehood, the century of great political, economical and cultural achievements of our country.

The great road of new century will lead our country towards international civilized society, peaceful and bright future.

With all these good intentions I wish to all of you and all the people of independent Tajikistan, good health, happiness and prosperity.

Thank You!

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